Zingiber officinale oil
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180 ₪
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Zingiber officinale oil

30 ml of Zingiber officinale oil can be used internally and externally and is especially effective in

treating: respiratory problems, stomach aches, coughing, colds, high blood pressure, cleaning the

uterus, healing wounds, eye infections and more.

Zingiber officinale is also effective in strengthening the heart and the immune system, warming

up the stomach, helping with digestion, and can be used to treat difficult food poisoning episodes.

Having been historical used by both Yemenite as well as Persian Jews, the Zingiber

medicinal plant is known as a general stimulant and its uniqueness as an aphrodisiac

and as a stimulant. It also heats and cleans the body, providing shelter from problems associated

with candida albicans and joints.